Town Guide

Edinburgh Town Guide, Highland Games, 6K

One of the most popular of Scottish past-times has to be the Highland Games, where sportsmen, dancers and pipers come together to compete.

Edinburgh Town Guide, The Games, 1K Many of the events and activities that you will see in Highland Games have been taking place in Scotland for hundreds of years. However the Highland Games as we know is an event that is a purely 19th century invention, along with tartan and kilts.

In addition, the name is misgiving, for Highland Games are held all over Scotland, normally between May and September. If you see one advertised do try to go, for it will be well worth it.

The most famous events are the displays of strength which include "putting the stone", "throwing the hammer" and the most famous of all "tossing the caber". However, just as important are the piping and dancing competitions, which are great to watch.

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